Friday, August 12, 2011


Georgia is a terrible team. They lost twice to Alabama in one week, had the same record as Alabama, and got in, where Alabama did not. Kentucky will beat Ohio St. and Syracuse vs. UNC is a Pk (borderline)

How do I become a bodybuilder and if I do can I still be a high school baseball player?

How do I become a weightlifter I'm 15 6' and about 208 maybe more idk but my bench is 220 squat well it sucks because of knee problems but I still want to play baseball so here's my upper body workout bench Press 10-8-7-6-5-3-2 105-135-145-155-165-175-185 the close Bench at 115 3 set of 8 then military press 70 lbs then tricep pull down 112,113,114 then lat pull downs front (80-90-100) back (70-80-90) then flat flys with 40's and dumbbell curls 35's and finally preacher curls 25lbs and on legs days it's squat 3 sets of 10 at 145 and then leg extensions 70-80-90 3 sets of 12 hold for 2 seconds then calf raises 5 sets of 20 and finally deadlift 145 3 sets of 10 I take Amino acid stuff on upper body days in the morning because it gives me energy that's 3 scoops then after my workout I take gold standard 100% whey protein then another scoop of whey at night then on leg days I take whey in the morning after a workout and before I go to bed

Red bumpy rashes on my legs?

Last night i had a large rash on my legs... For no apairent reason. It itched like crazy, and i woke up to having another. I also figured out its contagious.. Because i touched my cousins calf with it by mistake.... And soon after she got the bumps to!! They are close together and look like acne. I dont know if this helps but i have been scratch by my outdoors cat and bitten by mosquitos recently

Sooo I twisted my ankle...?

I just need some advice from people that have fallen/gotten sprains a lot or just from any professional. So I thought I would try to learn how to skateboard this summer... yeah... so I fell in some weird position and my ankle and calf have been killing me. It hurts when I walk on it but it's not impossible. I fell a couple hours ago but it just feels like as time progresses the pain is just getting worse and worse but there's no bruising or swelling so does that mean it's getting better? My mom keeps saying it's nothing but man I keep crying from pain and I'm not the kinda person that cries easily. Do I have to go to the doctor and get one of those things or should I just tough it out for a few days?

I need to know how to unblock a toilet ?

Try to use a plunger to force the waste down the toilet. If this doesn't work, then try to find the pipe where the sewage goes and unblock it with a stick of some sort. If that doesn't work, try bleaching the toilet because the acid will destroy the material and should clear it out.

Weight loss/muscle gain?

I've been trying to lose weight and get into better shape so during school, I used the elliptical and at home, I'm running on the treadmill and going walking. My calves and lower legs are already toned, so I'm trying avoid things that would make them more muscular. My neighbor told me that running on the treadmill helps gain leg this true? Will walking on the treadmill help me lose weight, but avoid gaining leg muscle?

After Georgie and Barry: do you think the value of a Haarvarrd education is overrated?

Yes, but you do realize a Harvard Diploma can be purchased at the right price, you don't even have to step on campus once, just know the right people and the have the money***********************************…